
By the end of the 60s current production trucks with gasoline engines at Brasov plant Steagul Roshu did not meet the requirements of that time. The company decided to master to an entirely new range of vehicles, based on German diesel trucks of MAN company. In 1969, both companies signed the license agreement for 15 years, providing the production in Brasov of 13 types of chassis in 43 variants with engine up to 256 hp. The company was renamed to Intreprinderea de Autocamioane Brashov, abbreviated as IAB. New products received Roman brand, consisting of the words "Romanesc" (Romanian) and MAN. The German side gave to Romania three series of in-line 6-cylinder diesel engines in 10 versions, developed by the French SAVIEM. But in practice only three basic engines rated at 135, 215 and 256 hp were used.
For Brasov company Roman range become the third generation, which was much more advanced and efficient than the previous two. The Roman vehicles kept indexing of German prototypes, but with some exceptions. The first numbers were an approximately tonnage for flatbed truck. Next three digits separated by a dot, indicated the engine power in horsepower. Letter indices also correspond to the German only partially: the letter "F" means a truck with a cab over the engine design, "K" - dump, "S" - tractor, "A" - all-wheel drive version, "D" - 3-axle vehicle. The Roman chassis were delivered to the Yugoslav plant Ikarus, where were equipped with Hungarian engines Raba-MAN. In 1978 the plant reached a record level of production - 34 thousand of trucks. In parallel with the Roman trucks, in Brasov were produced diesel trucks of own design under the brand name DAC.
In 1984, after the license with MAN was ended, the Roman range was renamed to DAC. In 1990, by the government's decision Brasov plant was transformed into joint-stock company "Roman S.A.". At this time, the company used both DAC and Roman brands according to buyer's request. But the trucks were absolutely identical. In 2004, S.C. ROMAN S.A. Brasov was privatized. New shareholders decided to use only Roman brand for all trucks.