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Autocar » Dispatch

In 1929, Autocar presented two new six-cylinder trucks, one of 1.5 and the other 2-ton rating, which replaced corresponding four-cylinder Model A units. The name six-cylinder Dispatch applies to both chassis, and the tonnage ratings are distinguished by...
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Autocar Dispatch SDAutocar Dispatch SAAutocar Dispatch SDAutocar Dispatch SD

Autocar » Model A

The Model A was a deluxe 1.5 ton delivery truck. The official documents said: "It is unique because it combines speed and beauty with motor truck stamina. Each of these three elements has been given equal consideration, and the result is a balanced unit...
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Model AModel AModel A
Autocar Model AAutocar Model AAutocar Model A

Autocar » Type C

In 1926, Autocar began to produce a parallel line of conventional "engine-under-the-hood" models. They were designated by C letter in the index. The range included 3 tons models CK and SCKA with 4-cylinder 32 hp and 6-cylinder 41 hp engines,...
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Type CType CType CType C
Autocar CHPDSAutocar SCMAutocar CHPDS

Autocar » E1 / E3 / E5

Since the late 1910s, Autocar produced electric trucks E1, E3 and E5 with a carrying capacity of 1, 3 and 5 tons, respectively. Batteries were located between the axles in an enclosed box. The cabin was unified with gas engined models, but most of them...
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E1 / E3 / E5E1 / E3 / E5E1 / E3 / E5
Autocar E3HAutocar E5MAutocar Electric

Autocar » Type XXI Armored Car

Autocar Company made for Canadian Army special armored cars on Type XXI truck chassis. They were standard commercial chassis with solid tyres armoured with 9.5 mm plate supplied by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. The armour gave all-round protection...
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Type XXI Armored CarType XXI Armored CarType XXI Armored CarType XXI Armored Car
Autocar Type XXI Armored CarAutocar Type XXI Armored CarAutocar Type XXI Armored CarAutocar Type XXI Armored Car

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Ashok Leyland » ALRD 20

I want to buy Ashok Leyland Alrd-20

AEC » Militant MkI ( model O859 / O860 )

The Coles crane in pic 24 is of great interest,I drove one of these Mk.4s in Germany back in 1970-71,it was nt in this colour scheme though!.Is this crane still around?.rnAlan

Ashok Leyland » Stallion MkIII / MkIV

I want sensor diagram and function about sensor bs111 military vehicles

Ashok Leyland » Stallion MkIII / MkIV

Please send me tecnical data als mk-4abs