We continue to review new vehicles of Shanghai 2015 auto show. Another premiere of Dongfeng company is an updated version of a construction truck Hercules. This time Chinese engineers changed not only the technical parts but the exterior also. Hercules received a new cabin D310, which is used on a top model Dongfeng Kingland. The front bumper is also new, with bars on the headlights. The style is similar to a steel bumper of MAN trucks.
Exhibited dumper had three cameras -on the right and left mirrors and under the tipper body in the rear. In contrast to the appearance the interior remaining virtually unchanged. The standard equipment includes a tachograph, air conditioning, power windows, audio system with MP3. Under the cabin is a 350 hp diesel engine DCi350-40 with a torque of 1600 Nm, which meets the local environmental standard Class IV. Transmission is 12-speed, manual.