MAZ » 7916
Since the end of the 1970s, MAZ started development of another missile carrier MAZ 7916 12x12 with a payload of 63 tonnes based on the MAZ 547A. It was fitted with a 2-place fiberglass cabin on the left side and single-place cabin on the right side. The first prototype was made in 1979, later 4 more chassis were produced. They were equipped with a 710 hp V-58-7 engine, updated torque converter, old 4-speed hydromanual gearbox and 14.7-tonnes axles. Comparing to MAZ 547, curb weight of MAZ 7916 was increased by 4.5 tonnes (up to 32 tonnes), overall length — by 820 mm (to 16,320 mm), turning radius — by5 meters (to 27 meters). Top speed is 45 kph. In 1985 to 1986 MAZ produced 26 copies of MAZ 7916.