MAZ » 536
The development of MAZ-536 ballast tractor started in 1956 in parallel with works on MAZ 535. It was designed for towing ground artillery systems with a gross weight of up to 80 tonnes. It also could move aircrafts with a launch weight of 180 tonnes. The only prototype of MAZ 536 was made in 1957. It had a cabin with 3 headlights and 3 windshields, a low engine compartment and metal flatbed body with a canopy to deliver up to 9 tonne of cargo, ammunition, ballast, or up to 37 personnel and combat crew.
Its main difference from MAZ 535 was a diesel engine D-12A rated at 525 hp. The prototype with a curb weight of 22 tonnes reached maximum speed of 60 kph and had a cruising range of 500 km. In 1958, it successfully passed acceptance tests. But in July 1959, MAZ decided to join 536 and 537 models to continue future developments. As a result, the development of ballast car MAZ-536 was discontinued and replaced by MAZ-537.