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Unknown models

Unknown models

  1. Stefan
    2012-04-22 02:48:00

    Polish, Jelecz?

  2. bengelsven
    2012-05-06 02:27:13

    MAN from Germany, have a look on the license plate, there is an "A" for the City of Augsburg

  3. Roland Duscha
    2012-07-07 16:19:46

    In all great cites of the world was driving like once dust car which like this truck / camion cabine. rnThe cabine is from Kassbohrer or Grube:rnfor this trucks:rnrnSkoda., Jelecz. Star. Fiat, Pegaso, MAN, Büssing, MB ( Mercedes Benz / Daimler Benz ), Henschel etc.rn rnA lot of the great airport patrol tanker in the world driving look likes so truck / camion cabines from the 1950ties and the 1960ties. ;-)

  4. Димон
    2012-08-03 13:24:29

    KUKA (Keller und Knappich, Augsburg), позже Faun-KUKA, мусоровоз type 215

  5. Димон
    2012-10-09 11:22:14

    А шасси MAN 635 c "коммунальной" кабиной от Ackermann

  6. Оливия
    2012-10-31 18:52:07

    Ой... наверное это Chepel. Может быть даже модель D710))))

  7. Димон
    2012-11-02 10:24:43

    Венгерский Czepel ? Только его в Германии и не хватало !

  8. Udo Krieger
    2012-12-09 20:58:02

    This is a giant matchbox Lesney refuse truck photographed to appear to be a great dirty truck sitting somewhere on a street. Trust nobody!

  9. pepe buenamente
    2015-08-09 14:47:19

    Un Simca-Ford Cargo

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