
Produing of trucks in Austria was begun in 1898 at the machine shop of Joseph Eduard Bierenz and Eduard Richer under the license from the German company Daimler. July 11, 1899 on the basis of this company was formed the first overseas subsidiary of Daimler, known as Osterreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft Bierenz, Richer & Co. or simply Austro-Daimler. The company continued to build military trucks of Bierenz under the brand name Austro-Daimler, and in 1901 began producing of its own 2.5-tonne trucks with a 10-horsepower engine and passenger cars which were widely used in the armed forces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In the first years of the company, Austro-Daimler has showed himself as one of the most innovative in the design of trucks and special equipment. In May 1901 based on the 4 hp truck was made the world's first isothermal van to transport the ice. Along with it the first Austrian 10-seater bus was presented. Gradually the company began specializing to short wheelbase ballast powerful artillery tractors. Under the guidance of technical director Paul Daimler, son of famous Gottlieb Daimler, in 1903-05 were designed and built the world's one of the first all-wheel drive tractors, as well as the world's first light armored 4x4. In July 1906, the well-known designer in the future - 30-year-old Ferdinand Porsche came to Austro-Daimler. He worked before in a small Austrian company Lohner.
In 1906 Austro-Daimler gained full independence from the German company and began creating of their own original designs. From the next year it started producing trucks and buses with electric motor systems Lohner-Porsche, built in the front or rear wheels. Especially, they are widely used for fire trucks, but the apotheosis of this idea was a unique tractor "A", built in 1909. In early 20s Ferdinand Porsche left the company. In 1923 he was succeeded by Karl Rabe, who devoted himself to the creation of prestigious cars.
With the cessation of military contracts Austro-Daimler was on the verge of bankruptcy. In December of 1928 as a result of its joinment with Puch company was formed Austro-DaimlerPuch group, which in May 1935 was acquired by Steyr, Austrian manufacturer of weapons and vehicles. Thus was created a small group Steyr-DaimlerPuch, where Austro-Daimler was continued producing military vehicles. The crisis of the late 20's. a painful blow to the welfare of Austro-Daimler, forcing him to think about his future. With a sharp reduction in demand for luxury cars the company had once again take up the development of trucks. Thus, in the early 30s was presented a new family of three-axle trucks ADR. Simultaneously Austro-Daimler began to create many prototypes of army vehicles, but they couldn't save the company. Since 1936 Austro-Daimler brand has never been used.