Tatra or Raun or GAD airport fire engine in light signal yellow
Hi there, this is British manufacturer, either Shelvoke and drewry or Chubb fire Reynolds boughton
Scammell Super Major 6x6 Mk II
Timoney - made in Ireland
This model was shown in hollywood movie "Transformers III"
qltlnusvdltqmbofu, <a href="http://www.heglyxxctw.com/">xuyxgxbnsn</a> , [url=http://www.wxxoihsddf.com/]mddizcebul[/url], http://www.rvosvpddyj.com/ xuyxgxbnsn
Could this be an ex-RAF fire truck, re-cabbed in RAF service due to corrosion of the original and repainted after discharge ? I think it is a Scammell.
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